Friday 16 February 2018

Experiments in creative writing

I'm planning to start writing my thesis at some stage (!) and that means practising choosing words and conveying meanings and feelings.

I've started experimenting with different styles and techniques. Here's today's creative piece.

"Sitting on the dock of the bay" is swimming in my brain and under my breath as I sit in the cold air, warm sun of a very different dock. Back to the water, face to the Dylan Thomas centre. Mind wandering and meandering in a style worthy of the old alcoholic himself. 

My meandering is gentle, kindly, lightly turning my attention to sensory input then releasing my attention, relaxing and awaiting the next thought. I wonder if the poet in him sat, relaxed, observed, released, crafted in the sun. I don't imagine him relaxing and sitting and waiting for the words to form. I imagine him tense, coiled, wired, multiple thoughts, plucking his chosen words from the torrent of his mind. 

I sit. I relax. I observe. My dock, my bay, my Swansea.

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