Thursday, 5 November 2015

The joy of trains

My life is stupidly busy. I’m a mum, wife, PhD student, company director, Crossfitter, community activist, active Christian, friend, thinker, NCIS-lover, cook, schmoozer.

If I have down time at home, I’m asleep (or watching NCIS).

If I’m in a fixed place – like the office or home – or simply out and about, I almost always have a fixed purpose. Even relaxation is timetabled and I have the pressure to ‘achieve’ relaxation.

And that’s why I like trains. It’s almost like stolen time. You budget the time for travelling. But unlike driving, you then have glorious me-time where you are shut away from the outside world – or at least you are when you travel North South in Wales with no wifi and only intermittent 3G or mobile signal.

One day I may use the journey for that mythical beast – relaxing over a good book. But until then, I enjoy the freedom to download my brain onto the computer. 

No, I’m not a cyborg, at least I don’t think I am! But I do have so much floating in my head that blogging, or diarising, or mind-mapping are essential tools for staying sane. And that isn’t something I can timetable into my daily life.

Somehow, being on a train is like a cocoon of other worldliness. I’m nowhere – not here, and not there. I have hours of time which I don’t need to account for to anyone because on the timesheet they are ‘travelling’. Being me, I can’t just switch off and ‘not exist’, so I turn my hand to whatever I fancy. Bits of jobs and paperwork get conquered. Today, my laptop’s desktop was finally cleaned up and my expenses claims got ready for posting.

So now, it’s blog time. Some I drafted on the last train journey have been refined. Some have been drafted. And, thanks to the wonders of Indycubing, I will be able to roll off the train, into a luxurious coffee-drenched, wifi rich haven and get these blogs scheduled. Bliss!


  1. Replies
    1. Believe me, it is. Which is just as well as I'm on my way to Cardiff this week (for Bara Brith Camp ( and again next week for the first Welsh DRILL roadshow.(
      So look out for another splurge of blogs! Although this time, I may be spending my time on data analysis.
