Sunday, 8 November 2015

My voice, your voice

Voices matter.  Everyone's voice matters.
Co-production matters.  It's not just morally good. It's pragmatically good too.
But, for all the talk, sometimes we struggle to get our heads round what it looks like.

I wonder what life would be like in public service land if we were writing letters like this...

Dear Citizen

Sorry for the terrible title, but I can’t think of a better one at the moment. You aren’t just someone who uses our services but a person in your own right – same as I’m not just a service provider but a person in my own right. Isn’t it hard to find good titles for each other?

In the pre-coproduction world, I sat in my space and you sat in yours. Sometimes I came into your space to consult you. I only had a voice in your space if you chose to let me, but once in your space I admit I assumed I had a right to speak. And I guess I held most of the power because whether you liked me or not, the only way you got a voice was by letting me use my voice.

In the coproduction world, I need to learn a new way to use my voice. I need to remember I have no more right to speak than you. I need to learn to use my voice within a conversation of equals, and not to broadcast information.

Please bear with me as I learn to use my voice differently, and as I learn it is as important to hear your voice as to hear my own.

Best wishes

Jo Bloggs

Dear Professional

In the pre-coproduction world, I sat in my space and you sat in yours. Sometimes I came into your space because you invited me to a partnership board or service development group. I only had a voice there if you chose to let me have it. Sometimes I bulldozed my way in to lobby for something. I used my voice whether you liked it or not.

In the coproduction world, I need to learn a new way to use my voice. I no longer need your permission. And I do not need to fight to be heard.

Please bear with me as I learn to use my voice differently, and as I learn it is as important to hear your voice as to hear my own.

Best wishes

Joe Bloggs

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