Warning! Rant alert!
"Hi, we've automatically excluded you by the way we do things around here. If you'd like to join our gang/use our services then you need to tell us. If you need a reasonable adjustment so you can join in (where "reasonable" = we feel like doing it or the law says we must) then we will prove what wonderful people we are by making a special exception in your case and doing something differently."
How medical model can you get?
It's a fantastic way of saying "Let's focus on the individual we have disabled as if they are the problem. And we will do this under the guise of being nice kind people who don't want to exclude anyone."
And that, my friends, is why I hate the term "reasonable adjustments".
(I promise a Part Two non-rant about solutions, but research work is calling and my timesheet says I must obey...)
Look forward to the post about solutions so we can share good practice! Cheers Anne!
I'm looking forward to working out what good practice would look like. I know what it feels like and how I'd evidence it. But still mulling over solutions