Sunday, 8 March 2015

Topics for the slow cooker

Sometimes there are things I'd like to blog about, but however many times I start to type, it just doesn't flow. And after multiple false starts, I reckon it's time to put the subject back into the slow cooker to stew a little longer.

What's really frustrating is being unable even to articulate the question. I know that once I've articulated the question, the answer is not far behind. I usually find that writing helps me to clarify my thinking. But, nope, after a frustrating weekend it is time to pop this set of thoughts back in the slow cooker :(

What's got me so frustrated is my inability to get to grips with thoughts flying round my head about "academia" and "research". I know I have a complicated love-hate relationship with academic life, but a simple, all-consuming love for finding things out and thinking about life. I know I react in contradictory ways to thoughts and feelings about academia. And I know that it's important to me to be able to articulate these thoughts because they lie at the heart of working out other thoughts to do with inclusive research.

I'm not sure what I'm hoping to achieve from this blog entry. Perhaps I just want to let off steam. Or perhaps I want to make other people feel less alone in their own inability to articulate what's rumbling or flying round their heads. Or maybe I'm hoping for some sympathy!

What I do know is that if any of you lovely people have ideas you are willing for me to add to my slow cooker, please do share.

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